New Office LocationI recently moved to a new office and I am now seeing patients in person who are fully vaccinated. I also continue to work with some...
Put down that Phone!I love this article by Kevin Roose from the NY Times about his struggle with his dependence/addiction on his cell phone and his journey...
SEVEN WAYS TO MANAGE REGRET AND DOUBTHave you ever had a situation where you were filled with doubt or regret over an action you had taken or a decision you had made. It...
WHY ARE WHITE MIDDLE AGED MEN KILLING THEMSELVES AT ALARMING RATES?White middle aged men now account for 70% of suicide deaths each year since 2015 and it has been increasing since 1999. Why is this...
THOUGHTS ABOUT PARANOIA AND THE 2ND AMMENDMENTTHOUGHTS ABOUT PARANOIA AND THE 2ND AMMENDMENT Like much of the country, I have been outraged and saddened by the latest mass shooting in...
The Age of AnxietyI am seeing so many clients these days suffering from overwhelming anxiety. This is especially happening to the kids that I see in my...
Math AnxietyMany of my clients in my high schools struggle with test anxiety, particularly in math. Here is an interesting and engaging article...